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Home / Blog / Careers in Banking That Just May Surprise You
May 16, 2019
When you think of a banker, what kind of person do you imagine? Most of us immediately think of someone with a background in finance. Of course, that’s the case for many bankers, but there are also a host of professionals in other roles within the industry that may not be obvious. If you or someone you know is looking for an interesting career opportunity, it may be the perfect time to consider the world of banking. Mary McNichols, Senior Vice President and Director of Human Resources, and Rhonda Grover, Human Resources Administrator, explain.
When it comes to careers in banking, most of us picture the professionals we interact with during a visit or phone call — the Universal Banker, Branch Manager, or members of the lending department. “We think of these professionals because they’re the most visible,” Mary said. “Many people may not think of all the ancillary positions, such as human resources or marketing. There are a lot of numbers-driven careers in banking that aren’t visible, too, such as credit administration. Think about it — who’s crunching the numbers on loan applications? Who’s in the background in accounting running general ledger? Who’s creating the loan documents, or conducting the transactions in the Trust department? The backgrounds that are needed for banking are as diverse as the jobs.”
Financial institutions rely on professionals with various specialties, such as:
Careers in banking require various levels of education, from high school diploma to college degrees. Many, but not all, positions at Fidelity require an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.
If professional development is important to you, explore positions at institutions that encourage training and mentoring programs. For example, at Fidelity, bankers are trained according to the guidelines of The Fidelity Model Experience, which speaks to the culture of the company and the way bankers interact with each other and their clients.
New Universal Bankers undergo several weeks of training before they begin interacting with clients, and all bankers are encouraged to participate in internal and external professional development programs. This may include management training, empowerment programs, or earning certifications through job training.
Mentors also play an important role in professional development. “In many branches, we have people designated as mentors. When someone is newly-hired, they’re partnered with a mentor who helps them through the training process,” Mary said. “That’s our formalized mentor program, but we also have informal mentoring, which is when you’re training someone on the job.” Fidelity trains mentors, and includes mentoring and coaching in its performance appraisals.
There are many advantages to working in the banking industry:
If you are looking for a career, and not just a job, the financial industry may be a great fit for you. Many banks, including Fidelity, are well-established in their communities.
“We have a really nice benefits package, and we work hard to treat our bankers well,” Mary said. “When it comes to benefits, we work with excellent companies.”
To encourage community service, bankers may be granted up to 40 hours annually to volunteer with organizations of their choice. “Fidelity is well known in the community for its volunteer efforts,” Rhonda said. “Working here makes you feel more community oriented.”
In addition to supporting the community, the bank’s volunteer program promotes camaraderie. “People from different departments or branches who may not even know each other may end up working together at a soup kitchen or a charity auction,” Mary said. “And when you come back from something like that, what a great feeling you have,” Rhonda added.
It’s always nice to be acknowledged for a job well done. Many companies offer incentives and awards programs. Fidelity honors its staff annually:
Star Performer Award: Every department is given a debit card. If someone goes above and beyond the call of duty, a co-worker or supervisor may use the card to purchase a gift card, lunch, or flowers.
Of course, there are a few rules: 1) The gift must be within the spending limit. 2) The gift must be presented in public. 3) The person giving the award must submit a brief story and photo to the Human Resources department to share with fellow bankers in the spirit of goodwill.
Banker of the Year Award: Bankers are nominated and everyone in the company votes for the top nominees for the Banker of the Year.
Excellence in Customer Service: This award is given to someone who delivers a great client experience
Outstanding Service Partner: This award acknowledges those in ancillary positions who play vital roles at the bank every day.
As bankers are regularly promoted from within, Fidelity often has openings for Universal Bankers.
Learn more about this and other career opportunities.