A good Wealth Management Advisor will ensure they get your vision of your financial future. Before your first consultation with a Fidelity Bank Wealth Management Advisor, it’s essential to reflect on your financial goals, values, and current situation. Being prepared to discuss these topics can help your advisor tailor their advice to suit your unique needs and ensure a productive and insightful meeting. Here are some key questions to consider before your initial consultation:

1. What Are Your Values About Money and Your Vision for the Future?

Understanding your core values about money and your vision for the future is crucial for building a financial strategy that aligns with your personal beliefs and goals. Consider what financial security means to you and how you want your wealth to impact your life and the lives of those around you. Ask yourself:

  • How do I define financial success?
  • What values drive my financial decisions?
  • What kind of lifestyle do I want to maintain now and in the future?
  • What are my top priorities when it comes to spending and saving?

2. What Life Events Are Happening or Could Potentially Happen?

Life events can significantly impact your financial planning. Reflecting on both recent and anticipated changes in your life can help your advisor prepare a more adaptable financial plan. Think about:

  • Have there been any recent life changes (e.g., marriage, divorce, childbirth, retirement)?
  • Are there any major expenses coming up (e.g., education, home purchase, travel)?
  • What unexpected events could impact my financial situation (e.g., health issues, job loss)?

3. What Are Your Short- and Long-Term Life and Financial Goals?

Identifying your short- and long-term goals will help your advisor understand what you want to achieve and the timeframe you have in mind. Be specific about your objectives, as this will guide your financial planning process. Consider questions like:

  • What do I want to accomplish in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
  • How do I envision my retirement? At what age do I want to retire?
  • Do I want to leave a financial legacy for my family or charity?
  • What are my goals for wealth accumulation and preservation?

4. What Are Your Investment Questions and Concerns?

Investing is a key component of wealth management, and it’s important to understand your risk tolerance and investment preferences. Before meeting with your advisor, think about:

  • What is my comfort level with investment risk?
  • What types of investments am I interested in (e.g., stocks, bonds, real estate)?
  • How involved do I want to be in the investment decision-making process?
  • What are my expectations for returns and the timeline for my investments?

5. What Is Your Current Financial Situation?

To create an effective financial plan, your advisor will need a clear picture of your current financial standing. Be prepared to discuss:

  • What are my sources of income, and how stable are they?
  • What assets do I currently own (e.g., savings, property, investments)?
  • What debts or liabilities do I have (e.g., loans, mortgages, credit card balances)?
  • How much am I saving and investing each month?

6. What Is Your Preferred Account Management Style?

Different people prefer different levels of involvement in managing their finances. Understanding your preferred management style can help your advisor tailor their services to match your comfort level. Ask yourself:

  • Do I prefer a hands-on approach, or do I want my advisor to handle most decisions?
  • How often do I want to meet with my advisor or receive updates on my accounts?
  • Am I comfortable using digital tools for account management, or do I prefer in-person meetings?


By considering these questions before your first meeting with a Fidelity Bank Wealth Management Advisor, you’ll be better prepared to have a meaningful conversation about your financial future. Your advisor is there to help you align your financial strategy with your personal goals and values, ensuring a secure and prosperous future.

Ready to start your journey?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced advisors. Let’s work together to create a financial plan that brings your dreams to life, right here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Lehigh Valley.

*Not FDIC Insured | May Lose Value | Not Bank Guaranteed | Not a Bank Deposit | Not Guaranteed by Any Government Agency.